These are the species that we will have available for players in the Essirene campaign. These were created by AlphaDean and slightly modified by me.


You haunt the woodlands and deep, natural realms, as your people have for millennia. You are the arrow in the night, the shadow in the glade, and the laughter on the wind. As an elf, you are slender, quick, graceful, and long-lived.

You manage the sorrows of living well past many mortal lifetimes with song, wine, and an appreciation for the deep beauties of growing things, especially trees, which can live even longer than you do.

You gain the following characteristics:

  • Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
  • Long-Lived: Your natural lifespan (unless tragically cut short) is thousands of years.
  • Skill: You are specialized in tasks related to perception.
  • Skill: You are practiced in using one bow variety of your choice.
  • Skill: You are trained in stealth tasks.
  • Woodland Lifestyle In areas of natural woodland, you are specialized in stealth tasks.
  • Fragile: When you fail a Might defense roll to avoid damage, you take 1 extra point of damage.
  • Long-lived persona: Social interactions with non-long-lived folk are hindered by one step.
  • Additional Equipment: You have a bow and a quiver of arrows to go with it.


You’re a stocky, broad-shouldered, bearded native of the mountains and hills. You’re also as stubborn as the stone in which the dwarves carve their homes under the mountains. Tradition, honor, pride in smithcraft, and warcraft and a keen appreciation of the wealth buried under the roots of the world are all part of your heritage. Those who wish you ill should be wary of your temper. When dwarves are wronged, they never forget.

You gain the following characteristics:

  • Stalwart: +2 to your Might Pool.
  • Long-Lived: Your natural lifespan (unless tragically cut short) is thousands of years.
  • Skill: You are trained in Might defense rolls.
  • Skill: You are trained in tasks related to stone, including sensing stonework traps, knowing the history of a particular piece of stonecraft, and knowing your distance beneath the surface.
  • Skill: You are practiced in using axes.
  • Skill: You are trained in using the tools required to shape and mine stone
  • Vulnerability: When you fail an Intellect defense roll to avoid damage, you take 1 extra point of damage.
  • Heavy Legs- You have an inability in all running and swimming tasks.
  • Additional Equipment: You have an axe and a mining pick.


Life has always been a war for you. You feel your two halves fight each other every day. You see the humans shrink back in fear and sometimes you like it. Other times you see orcs look at you in pity and you want to crack skulls to teach them an object lesson in respect… and fear. You’re a mean, green, fighting machine, just looking for someone to point you in the right direction.

You gain the following characteristics:

  • Orc Ancestry: +4 Might;
  • Braced for the Blow: You are trained in Might defense;
  • Skill: breaking things
  • Skill:  your choice of Physical skill.
  • Not Picky: You are considered trained in survival
  • Outsider: You have poor social graces. The difficulty of any task involving charm, persuasion, etiquette, or deception is hindered by one step.
  • Inability: Intellect defense rolls
  • Additional Equipment. You have an extra heavy weapon.


You are short with big eyes and a talent for lesser magics. Your kind has often wondered what the big deal is with the other races. All of them seem to be racing around and trying to build empires or do something dramatic. You understand this in humans because they live such a short time( your people regularly live over 150 years) but it doesn’t explain why Dwarves act that way. Sometimes Elves seem to understand you, though. Halfling life is more laid back, there is plenty of time to perfect motivations… or cooking. There’s nothing that a clear mind and good humor can’t fix. If things get too wearisome with these large, over-anxious types, you can always go back to your burrow-Ville and draw strength from your family.

You gain the following characteristics:

  • Adept: +2 Intellect
  • Semi Long-Lived: Your natural lifespan (unless tragically cut short) is hundreds of years.
  • No Illusions: You are Trained in seeing through illusionary spells.
  • Halfling Luck-  your Halfling luck allows you to reroll any failed roll once per session or can recharge after a 10-hour recovery roll.
  • Skill:  knowledge of one skill trade of your choice
  • Well-Read: one additional language and agriculture skill.
  • Too tiny to hit: you receive an asset on speed defense tasks against any person/creature bigger than you.
  • Stubby legs: You’re dexterous but not fast. The difficulty of all movement-related tasks is one step higher for you.
  • Fragile: When you fail a Might defense roll to avoid damage, you take 1 extra point of damage.
  • Additional equipment: you have an additional leisure item such as a pipe or book.


In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the world.

You gain the following characteristics:

  • Human flexibility: choose +2 to any one of the stat pools
  • Skills - choose one of any knowledge skill to be trained in
  • Skills- Choose to be trained in any one tool
  • Skills -choose one of any physical skill to be trained in
  • Skills - choose one of any social skills to be trained in.
  • Inability - choose one of the 3 (might, Speed or Intellect) defenses to be hundred in.
  • Inabilities - Choose one skill social and physical skill to be hindered in.
  • Additional equipment: you have an additional moderately priced weapon of your choice and moderately priced tool of your choice.